On our way!

Sara and I are driving Roberta home after spending the last two months at Sara's place. It's going to take a little while because Roberta lives in Rhode Island. We're figuring 4-5 days to get there, then Sara and I will head back.

And oh yeah, there's an RV. I'm in the coach sitting sideways right now. We're past Elko already. It's day 1. We've all driven one shift so far and Sara is on her second shift. Today's goal is Park City, Utah. We've got a pandemic-road-trip-friendly gig lined up there.

This is right now! 4:37pm PDT in Eastern Nevada. That's Sara crushing the Nevada miles. (Roberta, on her right, is shorter than an RV seat but bigger than a breadbox)

Sara's got the big-rig driving skills. Roberta is our quartermaster & crochet fiend. I'm in charge of IT. So, while Sara took the first shift this morning, I set up this site. Sara suggested that I just put stuff on Facebook, but that wouldn't have been difficult enough. Instead, I've got a long USB cable running from the dashboard back to me to keep this iPad charged and I set up a hosted Ubuntu EC2 instance with Ghost on it, but didn't get much further than that before our first driver change.

Fortunately, we got here before 10 this morning and weren't TOO hungry yet

It's very weird to be here right now.... we've been at the ranch for so long. I've walked the dogs every single morning for the last 2 and 1/2 months. Today, we headed out early and left it all to Wendy (she and Jerry figure prominently in Season 1, I'll try to catch you up on the backstory as we go).

But that's the news so far. Oh wait, breaking update! Roberta started another radish. Between you and me, I think she might be in a bit of a rut. When this whole thing started back in mid-March, she was crocheting all kinds of vegetables, but now it's non-stop radishes. I think we may be getting her home just in time.

Roberta has mad crochet skills